For those of you that have been following this blog, I want you to know that one of God's faithful servant has gone to be in his home in Heaven! Dad was a good man, a wise father, and the best handy man around. I would tease him when he would come over to help me with something. I would say, which hat you wearing? He was a jack of all trades!
Dad has been sick for over 10 years. His back has hurt. But even yesterday Dad's grip was one that was firm. He was still shaking hands with the men that came in the room.
It's going to be hard not to call over their house and ask how are things. We all will miss him.
August: We are BACK...
6 months ago
I went up to the hospital last night from 6:30-7:00 and stood by room 417 to pray for dying grace and God's comfort for all of you who loved your daddy. As I watched the gorgeous sunset, I imagined his spirit released to go to his LORD and Savior, to be free from pain and suffering. Now my prayers continue to surround you as you grieve and plan his service. Love and prayers, Jana